IELTS Speaking Topics May to August 2021

Latest IELTS Speaking Part 2 and Part 3 Questions

The part 2 questions (cue cards) below include sub-questions to help you frame a better answer. Few of the difficult questions have been answered here; however, if you need an answer to a particular cue card or part 3 follow-up question then put us a comment below and we would provide you with one.

Describe a time you were at a farm or farmland or met a farmer

  1. When was it?
  2. Where was it?
  3. What did you do/what was there at the farm?
  4. How did you feel being there?


Part 3 Follow Up Questions on farmlands, agricultural workers and farmers, organic farming:

  1. Are the number of farmlands across the globe declining? Why?
  2. Do people usually visit farms as a part of their leisure activity in your country?
  3. What are the advantages of having large farmlands in a region?
  4. Do you think that farmers and agricultural workers should be given more subsidies by the government?
  5. How can we improve the skills of farmers in a region?
  6. Do you think organic farming should be encouraged among people? Why? / Why not?

Describe a skill that you know well and can teach others

  1. What is it?
  2. When did you learn it?
  3. How can it benefit another person?
  4. Explain why you think you can teach others this skill?

Part 3: Follow up questions on teaching, the importance of skills and helping others

  1. Do you think a helpful neighbourhood is better than being on your own?
  2. Should children be taught helpfulness at home? Why? / Why not?
  3. Do you think children learn alone or when they are with their friends? Why? / Why not?
  4. Do you think people help others so that they get something in return? Why? / Why not?
  5. Will you help someone even if they haven’t been of help to you? Why? / Why not?

Describe a time you felt bored or wasted

  1. What was the occasion?
  2. Where was it?
  3. When did this happen?
  4. Explain why you felt so bored?


Part 3 Follow up questions on conversations, virtual/ real interactions:

  1. What are the usual topics of conversation among people in your country?
  2. Is there a popular culture among youngsters for chats and discussions in your country?
  3. Are face-to-face interactions among people affected due to social media? Why? / Why not?
  4. Has the way people interacted with each other changed in the past few years? Why? / Why not?
  5. What is the disadvantage of people relying on technology or social media over those who still prefer to meet and talk?

Describe a time you needed to use your imagination

  1. When was it?
  2. Where were you?
  3. What did you imagine?
  4. And explain how did you feel about it?

Part 3 Follow up questions on creativity, imagination as a skill at work, its advantages and disadvantages:

  1. Which subjects are helpful for a child to develop imaginative skills?
  2. What kind of jobs require you to be creative? Why?
  3. Do you think people, in general, should have a sense of creativity?
  4. Who do you think has better imagination- youngsters or children?
  5. Do you think imaginative people are advantageous in the workplace? Why?

Describe a toy or an item you liked as a child

  1. What was it?
  2. Who gave it to you?
  3. How did you play with it?
  4. Explain why did you like it so much?


Part 3 Follow Up Questions on buying for children, Spending on toys:

  1. How do you think the media attract children to toys?
  2. Do you think children learn something from toys? 
  3. Do the parents spend too much on buying toys for their children?
  4. What should be the preferable toys for the children?

Describe an occasion when you ate food or dish for the first time

  1. What was the occasion?
  2. Where was it?
  3. What did you eat?
  4. And explain how did you feel about it?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on eating habits, food cultures and food delivery apps:

  1. Have eating habits changed among people now as compared to the past?
  2. Do you think there is a global culture of food now? Why? / Why not?
  3. Do food delivery apps allow you to experiment with different cuisines affordably?
  4. As travel has expanded, do you think people have acceptance towards foreign food cultures?
  5. What are the benefits people have who try different foods? 

Describe a time when your computer broke down

  1. When did this happen?
  2. What went wrong?
  3. How did you fix it?
  4. And explain how the experience was?


Part 3 Follow Up Questions on computer literacy and access to computers:

  1. Do you think computers are perfect now or do they still need some improvement?
  2. Computers are being used in the educational needs of children these days. What are the advantages of this?
  3. Do you think computer literacy is good or bad for children?
  4. Do you think computers have changed our lives for the better?
  5. Do you think a computer can give you better access to knowledge?
  6. Are computers used in the public sector offices in your country? What is the benefit of this?

Describe a time when you saw a wild animal

  1. When was it?
  2. Which wild animal did you see?
  3. What did you do?
  4. Explain how you felt about it?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on wildlife and wild animals:

  1. Do you plan to visit wildlife sanctuaries or have a desire to explore wildlife? Why?/ Why not?
  2. Many exotic wildlife species are becoming endangered or have been extinct- Why?
  3. Do you think effective conservation of wild animals is practised?
  4. Animals are losing their natural habitat due to urbanization – What are the disadvantages of this?

Describe an occasion when you were standing in a line or a queue

  1. When was this?
  2. Where were you?
  3. What did you do when you waited in the queue?
  4. Explain how you felt about this?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on waiting in line, patience and impatience:

  1. Is it very common in your country to have people standing in queues and waiting?
  2. Do you think technology has played an impressive role to reduce waiting time? How?
  3. Do you have to wait in line for a long time at banks and supermarkets? Why?
  4. How do you feel when someone breaks the line impatiently?
  5. Do you think customer service helplines make you wait for a long time?

Describe a thing that you bought and felt very pleased about it

  1. What was it?
  2. When did you buy this?
  3. What is the function of this thing?
  4. Explain why you felt so pleased about it?

Part 3 Follow up questions on using new gadgets, local vs foreign products:

  1. Do people in your country try new gadgets and appliances in the market? Why? / Why not?
  2. Some people find it easy to follow instructions while assembling a gadget, others find it difficult – Why is it so?
  3. Do people feel uncomfortable using new products at home or work? Why? / Why not?
  4. Do advertisements play a key role in promoting innovative and trendy products these days? Why? / Why not?
  5. Are people now preferring to buy local products than imported items? Why? / Why not?

Describe a time when you advised another person

  1. When was it?
  2. Who was this person?
  3. What did you advise?
  4. How did he or she feel when you advised them?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on family advice and advisors at work:

  1. In Indian families, is it common for members to advise each other?
  2. What kind of qualities does a sound advisor have?
  3. Is it important to take advice from elders and experts in the community? Why? / Why not?
  4. Who can be the best advisor at a workplace? Why?
  5. Do you think nowadays people give a lot of advice? Is it because of technological exposure? Why?/ Why not?

Describe a short journey you usually take but dislike

  1. What is your means of travel?
  2. Where do you go?
  3. When do you do this journey?
  4. Explain what you dislike about this journey?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on Journeys, backpacking and navigation apps:

  1. Do you think journeys have become easier due to the use of navigation apps?
  2. Why do people usually embark on journeys in your country?
  3. As travelling has eased, do people nowadays plan their journey routes as compared to the past?
  4. Has backpacking become popular nowadays?
  5. What are the reasons people choose to travel and explore new places?
  6. What are the most essential items to carry on a journey?

Talk about an interesting animal or bird you like

  1. What is it?
  2. Where is it found?
  3. What qualities does it have?
  4. Explain why do you find it interesting?

Part 3 Follow up questions on conservation, pets and eating meat:

  1. Do you think the conservation of animals is important? Why? / Why not?
  2. Do you think conservation efforts are better for animals than birds and insects? Why? / Why not?
  3. Are you in favour of animal experiments?
  4. Why do people like to have pets at home?
  5. Does a child benefit from having a pet at home? How?
  6. Why is eating animal meat so popular globally?

Describe an item that has been in your family for a long time


Describe an item that has been traditionally handed over within your family

  1. What is it?
  2. Who gave it to whom?
  3. Is there a use or purpose to this item?
  4. Explain what is its importance or specialty?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on family traditions:

  1. Do you think people globally follow any kind of family tradition?
  2. Are family traditions important in every culture?
  3. Should children be encouraged to learn about festivals and traditional practices?
  4. Do you think traditions are dying off due to modernization? Why? / Why not?
  5. Do you think it will be challenging to maintain family traditions in the future?

Describe an energetic person you know

  1. Who is it?
  2. How do you know her or him?
  3. What do they do?
  4. Explain why you feel they are so energetic?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on LABORIOUS Jobs, labourer, physical work and jobs:

  1. Do you think people doing laborious jobs are paid well?
  2. What kind of jobs requires hard labour?
  3. Why do people engage in laborious jobs?
  4. What kind of people do physical work and labour intensive work?
  5. Do you think a teacher’s job is laborious? Why? / Why not?

Describe a time when you encouraged someone to do something better

  1. When was it?
  2. Who did you encourage?
  3. What was the need for this encouragement?
  4. Explain how did this person feel about your support?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on Encouragement, family members, motivation and good personality:

  1. Do you think having a good personality is important? Why? / Why not?
  2. Are family members and friends important for personal development? Why? / Why not?
  3. Do you think motivational speakers help individuals to do better? How?
  4. Is it good to encourage younger members of the family when they face failure?
  5. Who needs more encouragement – children or elders? Why?

Describe someone who wears unusual clothes or dresses up unusually

  1. Who is this person?
  2. How do you know her or him?
  3. What do they wear?
  4. Explain why do you think this person dresses up so unusually?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on fashion sense, young people and style:

  1. Do you think fashion has become an important aspect of young people’s lives?
  2. How do celebrities and movie stars influence the latest trends in fashion?
  3. What are the advantages or disadvantages of such an influence?
  4. Do you think children are affected by such styles? Why? / Why not?
  5. Does this fan-following in fashion lead to discomfort among other people in the society?

Describe a live event that you watched (sports/ music/ scientific)

  1. When was it?
  2. Where did you watch it?
  3. What were the special features?
  4. How was your experience watching it live?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on live events:

  1. Do you think people enjoy live shows than watching them on television or online? Why?
  2. What kind of live shows are popular in your country? Why?
  3. How are concerts and live shows different from the past?
  4. Are live shows popular among all age groups? Why? / Why not?
  5. Why do most successful musicians and scientists have live shows held globally? What is the advantage?
  6. How can live shows and live streaming online be compared to each other?

Describe an interesting conversation you had

  1. Who was with you?
  2. Where were you?
  3. What was it about?
  4. Explain what made it so interesting?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on conversations:

  1. What are the most common topics of conversation among young people in your country?
  2. Do conversations with people teach us a lot about other’s experiences?
  3. Are interactions between young and old people important to learn life lessons? Why? / Why not?
  4. Why do some conversations end up in an argument? What are the reasons for it?
  5. Do you think teachers should interact more openly with students? Why? / Why not?
  6. What are the advantages of having open-minded conversations?

Continue to Page 6

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Xosilbek

    This book is useful for ILETS learners. So I sopport it

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