Ultimate Roadmap to IELTS

In this article Ultimate Roadmap to IELTS, we are going to focus on three important aspects of the IELTS test. Firstly, the best way to prepare for the test. Secondly, find the best IELTS training centre for yourself. Finally, we share a few tips on booking your IELTS test. Before you read this article, it is important that you read our previous post, All about the IELTS test. It discusses the basic structure of the test which you should know before you read further.

All about the ielts
All about the ielts

Another point to consider is that each individual takes the IELTS test for different reasons, and their expectations from the test differ widely. Besides, it is impossible to build a ‘one size fits all‘ guide that works for everyone. In spite of that, we have summed up a few questions and answers for a novice IELTS test taker.

Let’s Begin with The Ultimate Roadmap to IELTS

This Roadmap to IELTS asks you a set of questions and provides the best possible answers. We have tried our best to answer every possible query that you may have for the IELTS test. We advise you to use this article as a path to scoring higher in the IELTS test. Please bear in mind that the IELTS test requires dedicated training and practice for most people. Especially, if you seek a score above a band 6. Angels School of Knowledge prompts you to ask yourself the below-mentioned questions.

Why am I giving the IELTS test?

Most people give the IELTS test for any one of these three reasons:




So, what is the reason behind you giving the test? Based on your answer, you would be able to answer the next question.

Which IELTS test is right for me?

IELTS General is for work abroad, Immigration and Permanent Residence(PR).

IELTS Academic is for Study abroad, in a University or College.

And IELTS UKVI is for anyone immigrating to The United Kingdom.

If you are still not clear about which IELTS test you need to take, then you should check out the following links.

All about the IELTS test – our article which discussed both the test formats, in detail.

IELTS General or IELTS Academic – try this link from www.ielts.org. An official IELTS website where you can find more about the test.

IELTS for UKVI – If you are immigrating to the United Kingdom.

What is the score that I need?

The next step is to know your required IELTS band score. The band score requirements are different for each university or organisation. Hence, It is crucial to know the required score for immigration, study or work.

Mostly, students applying for the IELTS Academic test are required to get a band score of 6.5, and above. But again, this may vary with each university. For General candidates, the score required differs according to the organisation where you applied for work. Thus, there is no pass or fail in IELTS test, rather a minimum band score which widely differs for each candidate.

Usually, your immigration agent, student counsellor or employer can help you. It would be wise to check with them first.

How much does it cost and can I afford it?

You can take the test from either the British Council or IDP: IELTS Australia. Both, are official IELTS test conductors, you might want to check both the test providers. As of May 2, 2020, the fees for the IELTS test in India is ₹14000.

Get the right IELTS training

It’s time to go fetch the right IELTS training centre. More importantly, find The best IELTS Trainer. Some might prefer Online training while others might need a little more hand-holding with one-on-one IELTS classes.

Important questions to ask yourself,

Should I go for online training or classroom classes?

It all depends on your availability and current level of English. Try and enrol yourself for an IELTS classroom training if you need a score above a band 6.

If you are from Kochi, Kerala, then you bet, your stars are aligned for your success. Angels school of knowledge located in Kochi, Kerala provides the best IELTS classroom training with Individual attention to each candidate.

Don’t worry if you are not from Kochi, Kerala, we have a workaround for you. If it is difficult for you to attend our classroom training then you might want to check out our IELTS online classes. In our online classes, you can attend our training sessions with one of our trainers, on a one-on-one basis. Scroll to the bottom of the link given next and you will find the best online training for IELTS.

How much time can I invest in training, daily?

If you work or are busy otherwise, then plan carefully as it takes dedicated effort to do well, in the IELTS test.

The IELTS test is not as simple as you might expect. Most of us already have a good level of English, but there are certain areas where you would need to work. To list a few, Vocabulary, Grammar, Comprehension and Structure are certain nuances which you would need to improve. Yet again, Angels school of knowledge is your key to success in IELTS.

A tip for working professionals, try to find an Evening class. I know it is difficult but a regular class does have its benefits. I would not recommend Weekend classes as they tend to be intermittent.

As an IELTS school, we have had many people join for a Weekend class but very few were able to keep pace with it. The culprit is the long gap during the week and the constant work pressure. Certainly, your work and personal life would take your focus away from the test. Moreover, it is better to learn one or two concepts each day, rather than building a mountain of IELTS tasks and pending exercises.

What is my present level of English, as per CEFR?

Know about CEFR

CEFR is a measure of your English Language skills and the IELTS band scores are closely correlated with CEFR. In a nutshell, CEFR is a benchmark to compare different English tests, such as IELTS, PTE-Academic or OET. Within the CEFR scale, you can see different grades ranging from A1, A2 up to C1, C2. A1 is the lowest grade and C2 is the highest. A band score of 7 in IELTS is at a C1 level which closely tallies with a score of 75 in the PTE-Academic test.

So, you see, be it an IELTS test or PTE-Academic test or any other recognised English language test, they all relate to CEFR. You can think of CEFR as a master framework. To know more about CEFR read through our blog on CEFR.

The image above should give you a very clear understanding of where you stand and let you know how much effort is required. The next step is to try a mock test from the IDP website to know your present level of English proficiency.

How to find the best IELTS coaching centre or the right trainer?

Before finalising a training centre, check for google reviews and online presence. Look for the amount of content they share online, look at Google reviews. Don’t look for star ratings, instead, read their online reviews, only then you will know the correct picture. Most importantly, your final call should be the trainer, is he/she compatible with you. Talk to the trainer – in person, not just over the phone. Who knows you might be talking to a sales representative!

Angels school of knowledge is owned and run by IELTS trainers. As a matter of fact, our two trainers, Angel and Justus passionately run this IELTS training institute in Kochi. You can read our awesome Google reviews here and you would know that they provide the best IELTS training in kochi.

Prepare more, if needed

What to do if I don’t get the required band score?

Often, even after putting your best efforts, you might not get the required score in the IELTS test. Don’t lose heart!

Rise and rise again
and again
Like the Phoenix
from the ashes
Until the lambs
have become lions

— Maitreya The Friend of All Souls, The Holy Book of Destiny.

Read the quote above, it is about not giving up, it talks about trying again, and again. The message is clear and simple, trying once and giving up would not lead you to success. Instead, you need to be persistent and diligent with your efforts.

This brings us to another realisation, some might need extra training or muster confidence. It all depends on how well you score in the mock test, it lets you know your level in the IELTS test. Another factor to note is that your IELTS score is highly dependent on your trainer’s ability to assess you.

Some important questions you need to answer at this point,

What is my mock test score and is it enough?

If you are looking for a band 7 in the IELTS test, then target for a band 8 in the mock test. Yes, that’s true, a mock test is not a complete assessment of the actual IELTS test. Certainly, you would be more stressful during the actual test. All in all, it puts your mind in a different framework. Thus, try and score a band higher than your target score in the mock test.

Which section/s do I need to practice more?

Your mock test scores will tell you your weak areas. To succeed in IELTS, your individual section scores (Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking) should be a band score higher than your targeted band score.

Did the training improve my score or should I look for another trainer?

We ask our students to take a mock test before and after training, this helps in spotting any improvement/decline in your language. Doing this, you can know if the training helped or not. If your performance has improved during the training then it probably means that your training was beneficial. In such a scenario the right thing to do would be to continue with your current trainer and give it another shot. Remember, too many cooks spoil the broth. Instead of jumping from one IELTS centre to another, continue with your existing trainer.

However, if you are certain that your training was not up to the mark then go ahead and scout for another trainer. Again, it is imperative that you find the right trainer so scroll up and read the answer to – “How to find the best IELTS coaching centre or the right trainer?. If you are looking for a new trainer, please read more about our awesome IELTS trainers in Angels school of knowledge.

What was missing in the previous training?

Apt IELTS training should start with Vocabulary and Grammar. You might think that you already have the required vocabulary and grammatical structure. However, in IELTS you need an Academic vocabulary and more importantly, you should know how to use a range of grammatical structures. Seldom, these are taught in an IELTS centre!

Angels school of knowledge works on your vocabulary and grammar, first. Try our Vocabulary 101 e-book for free. This e-book is a collection of IELTS Academic vocabulary where each word is explained with a picture and a sentence. I’d recommend you use this resource and start making your own sentences using these words.

Now, give yourself a pat on the back, you are ready for the IELTS test.

Reading through this Ultimate roadmap to IELTS, you would have realised that genuine IELTS training might take 1- 6 months, or more. It all depends on your commitment and quality of training.

Book your IELTS test

This is the big step, you should be more than ready!

Few questions to ask yourself here,

Should I book the IELTS test from the British Council or IDP?

I am sure, by now, you would be tired of reading. Let’s take a break and watch a video. Instead of making you read, we have an informative video on YouTube, watch it here :

Should I book the IELTS test from the British Council or IDP?

What dates should I take the IELTS test?

Be sure of your free dates and availability at the IELTS test centre. This is true, especially, for working professionals. I would recommend you take two to three days off from work before the test date.

In addition, it is a good idea to give yourself a short break before the test. Take a day off before the test day, step out and enjoy the present. Effective learning requires an active mind; the mind needs sharp senses. So, do yourself a favour, LIVE LIFE!

Can I take the IELTS test again?

If you are disappointed with your IELTS test result, you can take the test again. You may retake the IELTS test as many times as you want.

Be Cool & Rock the IELTS Test!

How do I Get my IELTS Results

The IELTS test scores are valid for Two Years and they have global recognition throughout Schools, Universities and Employers. It might take anywhere between 12 to 14 days for the results to be declared depending on your choice of test conductor. If you have opted for the computer-based test then it would take 5 days for the results. You would receive only one copy of the result ( called TRF – Test Report Form). If you need more copies of the TRF then you should remember to mention that while applying for the test.

Justus Joseph

Angels School of Knowledge – No other coaching, just IELTS training! We are a language school located in Kochi, Kerala, and our entire focus is on IELTS training. Being focused on IELTS makes us the best IELTS Coaching centre in Kochi. Around 80% of our students score a band 7 or higher in IELTS. We are known to provide the most desirable IELTS classes in Kochi, both online and offline. Our personalised IELTS training would let you score higher on the IELTS test and make you cross the dreaded band 7 in IELTS. If you are looking for band 7+ in IELTS General or a 6.5 in IELTS Academic, we are your best bet!

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Ajay kathuria

    One of the best blogs I have read today, it consists of all the required information , it is very helpful, thank you so much sir, looking forward to reading your other blogs as well.

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