IELTS Speaking Part 2 Cue Cards for January to April 2020

IELTS Speaking Cue Cards for JANUARY – APRIL 2020

(Part- 2)


1. Describe a new public facility in your hometown you would like to visit.

What is the facility?

Where is it?

When do you want to visit there?

Why do you want to visit this public facility?


2. Describe a work or sport you have done in a team.

What work/ sport did you do?

Who all were with you?

When did you do it?

How did you feel doing a team activity?


3. Describe an animal you like.

Which animal is it?

Where is it found?

What does it do?

Explain why do you like it?


4. Describe a job you don’t want to do in the future.

What is the job?

Do you know anyone who does this job?

What is it that you do not like about it?

How different is it from what do you now?


5. Describe a time when you set a goal for yourself.

When did you set a goal?

What was the goal?

How did you work for it?

Explain why was it important to you?


6. Describe someone who is good at their job.

Who is it?

Where does the person work?

What do they do?

Explain why do you think they are good?


7. Describe a time something good happened to you.

When was the occasion?

What happened then?

Where was it?

Explain why you felt so good about it?


8. Describe a celebration you had as a result of an achievement.

What was the achievement?

When was the celebration?

Who were present in it?

Why did you celebrate this achievement?


9. Describe an event you attended full of colour.

What was the event?

When was it?

What was so colourful in it?

Why did you like it?


10. Describe a time you didn’t tell the truth.

Who did you lie to?

When was it?

Where were you?

Why didn’t you tell the truth?


11. Describe a person you would like to meet.

Who is that person?

Where would you meet him?

What are his or her accomplishments?

Explain why would you like to meet him?


12. Describe a time you met someone for the first time.

Who is he or she?

Where was it?

What do they do?

How did you feel meeting this person?


13. Describe a member of your family you spend a lot of time with.

Who is that person?

What do you do with him or her?

Where do usually spend time with each other?

Explain why you like spending time with them?



14. Describe a time you helped a friend.

Who was that friend?

What was the occasion you helped them for?

How did they feel?

Explain why you thought of helping this friend?


15. Describe a time you had to apologize to someone.

Who was this person?

What was the reason for your apology?

When did you apologize?

Explain why you thought of apologizing to this person?


16. Describe a time someone had to apologize to you.

Who was it?

What was the reason for their apology?

When did they apologize?

Explain how did this person apologized to you and how did you feel?


17. Describe a journey you made by public transport.

When did you make this journey?

Who was with you?

Why did you make this journey?

Explain how did you feel?


18. Describe a magazine article or online article about healthy living.

What was the article about?

When did you read it?

How you came across this magazine and/ or article?

Explain what lessons did you learn from it?


19. Describe a time you were traveling but were delayed.

When did you make this travel?

Who was with you?

Why did you make this journey?

Explain how did you feel when you were delayed?


20. Describe a job you wouldn’t like to have.

What is the job?

Do you know anyone who does this job?

What is it that you do not like about it?

How different is it from what you like or you do you now?



21. Describe an item of clothing you enjoyed wearing.

What is it?

Where did you buy it from?

When was it?

Explain why enjoyed wearing this piece of clothing?


22. Describe a time you wore a uniform for work or school.

When was it?

Who else wore it with you?

Why did you have to wear it?

Explain how did you feel?


23. Describe an interesting conversation you had.

When and where did you have this chat?

Who did you have it with?

What was the conversation about?

Explain why did you feel it was interesting?


24. Describe challenge you recently faced.

What was it?

Where were you at this time?

When was it?

Explain what lessons did you learn from it?


25. Describe a recent performance you watched.

When was it?

Where was the performance?

Who was performing?

Explain how did you feel about it?


26. Describe a park or garden you visited.

Where is this park or garden?

When do you visit?

Who accompanies you there?

Explain how did you feel there?


27. Describe a park or garden you would like to visit.

Where is this park or garden?

When do you want to visit there?

Who would you accompany with you?

Explain why would you want to visit this public facility?


28. Describe a photograph you have in your home.

What is the photograph about?

Where and when was it taken?

Who all are captured in the pic?

Explain why this photograph is important to you?


29. Describe a time you observed a beautiful sky.

When was it?

Where were you when you looked at the sky?

What was the reason to observe it?

Explain how you felt about it?


30. Describe a time when you felt bored.

What was the occasion?

Where was it?

When did this happen?

Explain why you felt so bored?


31. Describe a singer or band you like.

What is the name of the band?

Where did you see them?

What is special about them?

Explain why do you like them?


32. Describe the first time you saw an interesting bird.

Which bird is it?

Where is it found?

What interested you about the bird?

Explain how did you feel watching it?


33. Describe a leisure activity you do with your family.

What is the activity?

Where do you do it?

What do you do?

Explain how do you feel about it?


34. Describe a time you were not allowed to use your mobile.

What was the occasion?

Where were you?

Why was no mobile phone allowed there?

Explain how did you feel about it?


35. Describe a crowded place you visited.

Where did you go?

When did you visit?

Why you had to go there?

Explain how did you feel being in a crowded place?


36. Describe someone who taught you something.

Who is this person?

When and what did you learn?

How did you feel after learning it?

Explain why you chose to learn from this person?


37. Describe something you lost and then found.

What was it?

When did you lose it?

How did you find it?

Explain how you felt after finding it?



Hope you are able to prepare better with the questions enclosed with each cue card topic. There are thirty seven topics given above. Do well.


If you need any sample answers, look at the blogs for sample answers for speaking cue cards.

Describe a colourful event you attended – Sample Answer 


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