Cambridge 17 Test 4 Essay Answer

In this blog, I have answered Cambridge book 17, Test 4 essay question on alternative medicines, providing a band 8 sample answer and a list of words, phrases along with their meanings to help you improve your writing skills and ace the exam.


Cambridge ielts 17 test 4 writing task 2 Question –

Nowadays, a growing number of people with health problems are trying alternative medicines and treatments instead of visiting their usual doctor.

Do you think this is a positive or a negative development?

Sample Answer

Introduction (40 words):

In recent times, more people are turning to alternative medicines over traditional medical care. This trend sparks debates about its impact. While some express concerns about potential risks, I firmly believe that embracing alternative medicines can have numerous benefits and contribute positively to healthcare.

Body Paragraph 1 (90 words):

One key advantage of alternative medicines is their emphasis on personalized and holistic treatments. Unlike conventional medicine, which adopts a one-size-fits-all approach, alternative therapies consider individual differences in health conditions and preferences. By accounting for lifestyle, diet, and emotional well-being, they offer a comprehensive and tailored approach to healing. This focus on the whole person fosters a stronger mind-body connection, promoting long-term well-being.

Body Paragraph 2 (90 words):

Another benefit lies in the minimization of side effects associated with alternative treatments, such as herbal remedies and acupuncture. Unlike conventional medications, which can cause adverse reactions, alternative therapies are known for their minimal side effects and non-invasive nature. For patients with chronic conditions or seeking pain relief, these treatments provide a more positive and comfortable healing experience.

Body Paragraph 3 (90 words):

Furthermore, embracing alternative medicines nurtures cultural and traditional heritage. Many of these healing methods have deep roots in various societies, passed down through generations. By choosing alternative therapies, individuals not only preserve their cultural heritage but also foster a deeper connection with their roots. This appreciation contributes to a sense of pride and belonging, enhancing overall well-being.

Conclusion (40 words):

In conclusion, the growing preference for alternative medicines represents a positive development in healthcare. Their personalized approach, minimized side effects, and cultural significance make them valuable additions to existing healthcare systems. By embracing both conventional and alternative medicines, individuals can achieve a more profound sense of balance and healing.

—-This is the END of the Essay—–

The above essay is band 8.

Lexical Resources used:

  1. Alternative medicines: Non-conventional or non-traditional healing practices used as alternatives to mainstream medical treatments.
  2. Traditional medical care: Conventional medical practices and treatments followed by trained healthcare professionals.
  3. Trend: A general direction or pattern of change that becomes noticeable over time.
  4. Sparks debates: Triggers discussions or arguments among people with differing viewpoints.
  5. Impact: The effect or influence of something on a situation or outcome.
  6. Express concerns: Voice worries or apprehensions about potential issues.
  7. Potential risks: Possible dangers or hazards associated with a particular action or situation.
  8. Embracing: Accepting or adopting something with enthusiasm or openness.
  9. Numerous benefits: Many advantages or positive outcomes.
  10. Contribute positively: Add value or have a beneficial effect on a specific aspect.
  11. Healthcare: The maintenance and improvement of physical and mental well-being through medical services and treatments.
  12. Key advantage: A significant benefit or advantage that stands out.
  13. Emphasis: Special attention or focus on a particular aspect or quality.
  14. Personalized: Tailored to meet individual needs, preferences, or characteristics.
  15. Holistic treatments: Approaches that address the whole person, considering physical, emotional, and mental aspects.
  16. One-size-fits-all approach: A standardized approach that treats all individuals in the same way without considering individual differences.
  17. Comprehensive: Complete and including all relevant aspects.
  18. Tailored approach: Customized or adapted to suit specific requirements or situations.
  19. Fosters: Encourages or promotes the development of something.
  20. Mind-body connection: The relationship between mental and physical well-being.
  21. Minimization of side effects: Reduction of negative or undesirable outcomes associated with a particular treatment.
  22. Herbal remedies: Natural plant-based treatments used for healing.
  23. Acupuncture: A traditional Chinese medical practice involving the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body to promote healing and alleviate pain.
  24. Non-invasive nature: Procedures or treatments that do not involve cutting or puncturing the body.
  25. Positive healing experience: A beneficial or favorable process of recovery or treatment.
  26. Chronic conditions: Long-term medical conditions that persist over an extended period.
  27. Healing methods: Approaches or techniques used for restoring health and well-being.
  28. Cultural and traditional heritage: Practices, customs, and knowledge passed down through generations within a specific culture or society.
  29. Preserve: Maintain and protect something for future generations.
  30. Foster a deeper connection: Encourage a stronger link or sense of attachment.
  31. Appreciation: Recognition and understanding of the value or importance of something.
  32. Contributes to: Adds to or plays a part in achieving a particular outcome.
  33. Sense of pride and belonging: Feeling proud and having a strong connection to one’s identity or community.
  34. Enhancing overall well-being: Improving the overall physical, mental, and emotional state of a person.
  35. Existing healthcare systems: The currently established medical services and treatments available.
  36. Achieve a more profound sense of balance and healing: Attain a deeper and more significant state of well-being and recovery.
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