Cambridge 17 Test 2 Essay Answer

In this blog, I have answered Cambridge book 17, Test 2 essay question on smartphone usage, providing a band 8 sample answer and a list of words, phrases along with their meanings to help you improve your writing skills and ace the exam.


Cambridge ielts 17 test 2 writing task 2 Question –

Some children spend hours every day on their smartphones.

Why is this the case?  

Do you think this is a positive or a negative development?

Sample Answer

Introduction (58 words):

One device which has made this world smaller is the smartphone tucked away in your pockets. Amidst its numerous benefits, one potential drawback remains obscured from sight. Over the past decade, smartphone addiction has consumed this generation, particularly teenagers. I think this is because of limited human interaction, and if unchecked, this addiction would be abysmal for society.

Body Paragraph 1 (110 words):

One reason for such compulsion would be the lack of companionship. Nowadays, most parents choose to work long hours, leaving limited time for their wards. This is where the allure of handheld devices begins to captivate youngsters’ attention. They observe their mothers waiting for the school bus, the bus driver dropping them off, the class teacher and almost everyone else stooping down to bask at a blinding white screen. This ordeal does not stop here. As everyone is busy with their digital toys, there is little attention paid to these young minds. This, in turn, allows them the liberty to ape their elders, that is, to be fixated on a six-inch screen.

Body Paragraph 2 (80 words):

In the long run, this habit leads to numerous ailments. To begin with, the first victim is the mind itself. These children, who constantly consume unfiltered content from the internet, do not realize that their creativity, analytical and cognitive ability, and decision-making power are dulled out forever. Similarly, they are found to be socially alienated, mostly because they choose to be so. Somehow, the beauty of human interaction loses its effectiveness, and all that they wish is to get back to their mobile phones.

Body Paragraph 3 (70 words):

Furthermore, the body also responds in its own manner. It mostly starts with disorders in vision, headaches, and stiffness in the neck. In some extreme cases, it might turn fatal as well. With a quick search on the internet, anyone can find numerous instances where teenagers were so engulfed in a game that they forgot to eat, sleep and even attend to nature calls. Ultimately, their bodies couldn’t keep up and suffered a shock. To conclude, elders are the reason teenagers are addicted to mobile phones. In the long run, this would lead to a generation with bent backs, requiring better medical support. This situation, in my view, is more worrisome than any pandemic or war.

Conclusion (40 words):

To conclude, elders are the reason teenagers are addicted to mobile phones. In the long run, this would lead to a generation with bent backs, requiring better medical support. This situation, in my view, is more worrisome than any pandemic or war.

—-This is the END of the Essay—–

The above essay is band 8.

Lexical Resources used:

  1. Device – A tool or machine designed for a specific purpose.
  2. Tucked away – Something hidden, placed in a discreet or inconspicuous manner, or kept in a safe and secure place.
  3. Smartphone – A mobile phone with advanced features and capabilities, such as internet access and various applications.
  4. Numerous – Many; a large number of something.
  5. Benefits – Advantages or positive aspects of something.
  6. Potential – The possibility of something happening or developing in the future.
  7. Drawback – A disadvantage or negative aspect of something.
  8. Obscured – Hidden or not easily noticed.
  9. Sight – The ability to see or the act of seeing.
  10. Smartphone addiction – A compulsive behaviour of being excessively attached to and dependent on using smartphones.
  11. Consumed – To be completely absorbed or taken over by something.
  12. Generation – A group of people born and living around the same time, often sharing common experiences and characteristics.
  13. Teenagers – Individuals aged between 13 and 19 years old.
  14. Limited – Restricted or not abundant.
  15. Human interaction – The communication and engagement between individuals.
  16. Abysmal – Extremely bad or dreadful.
  17. Compulsion – An irresistible urge or impulse to do something.
  18. Lack – The absence or shortage of something.
  19. Companionship – The state of having someone as a companion or friend.
  20. Nowadays – In the present time; currently.
  21. Parents – One’s mother and father or legal guardians.
  22. Work long hours – To spend a considerable amount of time working.
  23. Allure – The power of attracting or fascinating someone.
  24. Handheld devices – Portable electronic devices that can be held and operated with one hand.
  25. Captivate – To attract and hold the attention of someone.
  26. Youngsters – Young or relatively young people, especially children or teenagers.
  27. Observe – To see, notice, or watch someone or something carefully.
  28. Mothers – Female parents.
  29. School bus – A bus that transports students to and from school.
  30. Bus driver – The person who drives a bus.
  31. Class teacher – The teacher responsible for a particular class in a school.
  32. Stooping down – To bend the body forward and downward.
  33. Bask – To enjoy and take pleasure in something.
  34. Blinding – Extremely bright or dazzling.
  35. White screen – A screen that appears completely white, often referring to a phone screen that is turned on but not displaying anything.
  36. Ordeal – A difficult or unpleasant experience.
  37. Digital toys – Electronic devices or gadgets used for entertainment or play.
  38. Attention paid – The act of giving focus or consideration to something.
  39. Liberty – The freedom or permission to act or think as one wishes.
  40. Ape – To imitate or copy the behaviour of someone.
  41. Elders – Older people, often respected for their age and experience.
  42. Fixated – To be intensely focused on or obsessed with something.
  43. Six-inch screen – Refers to the size of a screen measuring six inches diagonally.
  44. Habit – A regular practice or tendency.
  45. Ailments – Health problems or disorders.
  46. Mind – The faculty of consciousness and thought; the intellect or understanding.
  47. Unfiltered content – Information or material that has not been censored or screened for inappropriate or harmful content.
  48. Internet – The global network of connected computers and servers that allows the exchange of information and communication.
  49. Creativity – The ability to use imagination to create something new or original.
  50. Analytical – Relating to the examination of information or data to understand its meaning or significance.
  51. Cognitive ability – Mental processes related to thinking, understanding, and learning.
  52. Decision-making power – The authority or capacity to make choices and decisions.
  53. Socially alienated – Feeling disconnected or isolated from others in society.
  54. Beauty of human interaction – The positive and meaningful experiences that arise from personal connections and relationships with others.
  55. Effectiveness – The degree to which something achieves its intended purpose or goals.
  56. Mobile phones – Portable telecommunication devices used for voice calls, messaging, and internet access.
  57. Body – The physical structure of a person or an animal.
  58. Responds – To react or answer in a specific way to a stimulus or situation.
  59. Disorders in vision – Abnormalities or problems related to eyesight.
  60. Headaches – Pain or discomfort in the head.
  61. Stiffness in the neck – Tension or tightness in the muscles of the neck, resulting in limited movement.
  62. Extreme cases – Situations or instances that are unusually severe or intense.
  63. Fatal – Resulting in death or being deadly.
  64. Quick search – A rapid or swift effort to find information or answers.
  65. Engulfed – Completely surrounded or covered by something.
  66. Game – An activity or sport played for entertainment or competition.
  67. Forgot – To fail to remember something.
  68. Eat – To consume food.
  69. Sleep – To rest or be in a state of unconsciousness.
  70. Attend to nature calls – To respond to the body’s natural physiological needs, such as using the restroom.
  71. Bodies – Physical structures of living organisms.
  72. Suffered a shock – To experience a sudden, intense, and often unpleasant surprise or disturbance.
  73. To conclude – To bring to a close or summarize.
  74. Worrisome – Causing concern or worry.
  75. Pandemic – A widespread outbreak of a contagious disease affecting people over a large geographical area.
  76. War – A state of armed conflict between different countries or groups.
Daily writing prompt
What do you listen to while you work?

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