Ielts Speaking Topics January to April 2022

21.   Describe a person you know who gave a clever solution for a difficult problem

Who is this person?

How do you know him or her?

What was the difficulty?

Explain how the solution helped?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on difficult jobs, being clever:

What benefits do people get if they have clever people as friends?

Do you agree that clever people do not face a lot of difficulties?

Do you think people who do difficult jobs develop thinking skills?

What kinds of jobs require a lot of labour?

Do people who face a lot of challenges have strong willpower?

22.   Talk about something that you are interested to learn or improve

What is it?

What is so interesting about it?

How do you plan to improve it?

Explain how will it help you?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on talented people, talents and skills, importance of innate talents:

Do you think talented people are happy people as well? Why?/ Why not?

How do you differentiate between talent and skill?

What are the talents you have that you are proud of?

How have these talents helped you achieve what you have right now?

How important are those talents for you as an individual?

23.   Describe a time when you gave advice to others

What was the advice you gave?

Who did you give it to?

How did it help the person?

Explain how it made him or her feel?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on family advice and advisors at work:

In your culture, is it common for family members to advise each other?

What kind of qualities does a sound advisor have?

Is it important to take advice from elders and experts in the community? Why? / Why not?

Who can be the best advisor at the workplace? Why?

Do you think nowadays people give a lot of advice? Is it because of technological exposure? Why?/ Why not?

24.    Talk about a famous personality you are interested in

Who is this person?

What are his achievements?

How did he become so famous?

Explain why you like him so much?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on a famous personality:

Do you think people nowadays follow famous personalities? Why?

What makes some individuals so famous?

What important qualities are required to come up as a famous personality?

Do you think there is more to learn from popular personalities? Why?

Do youngsters find role models in celebrities?

What kind of activities done by famous people impresses the public?

25.    Describe an occasion when you got up extremely early

When was this?

Where were you?

Why did you wake up so early?

Explain how did it make you feel?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on getting up early:

Is it easier for older people to get up early than young people?

What are the benefits of getting up early?

Why do some people go to sleep late at night?

Why are early risers more productive than people who wake up late?

Should children be given a routine where they wake up early?

26.    Describe a law related to the environment that you know

What is the law?

What is its importance?

How can you practice it?

Explain why you think it is useful?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on Environment:

Do you think most people are concerned about the environmental issues around them?

What can people do to save the environment?

What are the main factors that affect the environment nowadays?

Is pollution the main reason for environmental problems?

27.    Describe an old person you admire

Who is the person?

Where is he or she?     

How did you meet him or her?     

Explain why you like them so much?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on caring for aged, patience and old people:

What qualities should caretakers possess who look after old people?

Do you think it is easy to take care of old people?

Is patience important to deal with older people? Why?/ Why not?

What kind of support do older people in a family provide to youngsters?

What steps can be taken to improve the emotional health of the old and the aged?

28.    Describe a famous athlete you know

Who is the person?

When did you start watching him/her?

What made you start noticing him/her?

Explain how this athlete influenced you?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on sports:

How important is physical education in a student’s curriculum?

Should athletic activities be encouraged among children since school?

Do you think athletes have enough recognition among the public?

Should governments do more to popularize the achievements and hard work of such national achievers?

Do you think athletes have to put in a lot of effort to achieve their goals? Why?

29.   Describe a piece of equipment that is important in your home

What equipment is it

Who bought this equipment?

Do you frequently use this equipment?

Explain how this equipment became important to you?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on using new gadgets, local vs foreign products:

Do people in your country try new gadgets and appliances in the market? Why? / Why not?

Some people find it easy to follow instructions while assembling a gadget, others find it difficult – Why is it so?

Do people feel uncomfortable using new products at home or work? Why? / Why not?

Do advertisements play a key role in promoting innovative and trendy products these days? Why? / Why not?

Do people now prefer to buy local products than imported items? Why? / Why not?

30.       Describe a street market in your city

Where is this market?

How often do you visit this street market?

What are all things that you usually purchase?

Explain the difficulties that you have to face while you purchase from street markets?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on Outdoor markets, Changes in markets, Online and Offline Shopping:

Are street markets commonly seen around in your country?

Do people in your country freely go to open-air markets? Why?/ Why not?

What benefits do street markets have over single retail shops?

Do people explore street markets in new places they visit?

Do you like this concept of open-air markets?

31.    Describe an argument that two of your friends had

Who were those friends?

What was the argument about?

How did you feel when you saw them arguing?

Explain what have you done to end this argument?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on Forgiveness and being apologetic:

Do you feel people are more apologetic today than in the past? Why? / Why not?

What are the advantages of being forgiving to others?

How do people feel when they are apologetic but still not forgiven?

Do you think people may take advantage of those who are forgiving and kind? Why? / Why not?

Should children be taught to be forgiving with their friends and be apologetic?

Do you think online learning teaches values like kindness and forgiveness? Why? / Why not?

32.    Describe a puzzle (jigsaw/crossword/etc.) you have played

What kind of puzzle was that?

Who was with you to play the puzzle?

When did you start solving puzzles?

Explain how puzzles can influence improving accuracy among youngsters?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on solving puzzles:

Do you think it is fair to assess someone for a job based on puzzle-solving or logical skills?

Do youngsters in your country enjoy puzzle-solving games?

Should one be exposed to such analytical and logical skills from school?

What are the advantages if someone is smart at such skills?

Do you think puzzle solving was more popular in the past or is it now?

33.    Describe a natural talent that you want to improve

What talent is that?

Who noticed this talent first?

How is this talent useful to you?

Explain how you can find and improve hidden natural talents?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on talented people, talents and skills, importance of innate talents:

Do you think talented people are generally happy? Why?/ Why not?

How do you differentiate between talent and skill?

What are the talents you have that you are proud of?

How have these talents helped you achieve what you have right now?

How important are those talents for you as an individual?:

34.    Describe a plan in your life that is not related to work or study

What is the plan?

When did you start planning for this?

Who motivates you to execute this plan?

Explain how can you work this plan successfully?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on future related aspects

Which is better – Having a lot of plans or having no plans at all?

Why do most people make plans before they go travelling?

Do you think planning helps us to be prepared for unseen troubles?

What do you think people do when they face unpredictable issues?

How do individuals feel when their plans do not work out?

Do you think being unsuccessful is a sign of poor future planning?

35.   Describe an art or craft activity (painting, woodwork etc.) that you had done at some point in your life

What was the activity?

Who introduced you to this activity?

How often do you do this activity?

Explain how useful was this activity to you?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on Art, school activities, its importance:

What kind of extracurricular activities do schools offer in your country for a student?

Do you think they need to be improved?

Have school activities improved any skills within you?

Is learning performing arts or drama encouraged among children in your country?

36.    Describe a quiet place you like to spend your time

Where is this place

Why did you choose this place?

How often do you visit this place?

Explain how important it is to take a break from day-to-day busy life and find time to relax?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on noise pollution and loud noises:

Do you think noise pollution affects us in a negative manner? Why?/ Why not?

Are there several noises of traffic in your country? Is it disturbing?

Is it important to be loud when you are among people? What are its disadvantages?

Why do you think noisy children are a disturbance to others?

Do noisy environments make individuals irritated?

37.    Describe a time when you helped a friend

Who was seeking help from you?

What was the situation?

How did you help your friend?

Explain a situation when your friend helped you, and how did you feel about it?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on being helpful and helping nature:

Are people more helpful nowadays than in the past? Why?/ Why not?

Why do you think people help each other?

Do you think helping people make more friends? Why?

Do you think neighbours should help one another? Why?/ Why not?

Are children more helpful than adults? Why?/ Why not?

38.   Describe an activity that you do after school/work

When did it happen?

Who was with you?

What did you do?

Explain why do you remember it so well?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on free time:

How important is free time for individuals?

Do people learn something about themselves when they go for such leisure activities?

While doing leisure activities, is it a good idea to take risks?

What benefits do people have when they travel to new destinations for leisure?

Do you think an individual feels demotivated when he does not get enough free time?

39.    Describe a LIVE sports match that you have watched

When was it?

Where did you watch it?

What were the special features?

How was your experience watching it live?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on popular shows, online and offline preferences:

Do you think people enjoy live shows more than watching them on television or online? Why?

What kind of live shows are popular in your country? Why?

How are concerts and live shows now different from the past?

Do you think live streaming is slowly reducing the number of people attending live events?

40.    Describe a health article you read in a magazine or on the internet

What was the article about?

When did you read it?

How did you come across this magazine and/ or article?

Explain what lessons did you learn from it?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions healthy living, eating habits, healthier lifestyles:

What are the most popular ways of keeping healthy in your country?

Do you think most people worry more about their health as they get older?

Why do you think some people continue bad habits when they know that they are damaging to their health?

How can children be encouraged to adopt healthy eating habits?

Do you think people have become more health-conscious in recent years?

Could governments do more to promote healthier lifestyle options?

41.    Describe an occasion when you were not allowed to use your mobile phone

What was the occasion?

Where were you?

Why was no mobile phone allowed there?

Explain how did you feel about it?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on mobile phones:

In what kind of places or situations should mobile phones be banned?

How has the use of cell phones impacted our everyday lives?

What do young people use the most on mobile phones these days?

How do you compare life without a phone and now?

Should children be encouraged to use mobiles phones from a young age? Why?/ Why not?

42.    Describe a piece of local news that you were interested in

What was the news about?

Where did this happen?

When did this happen?

Explain why people are so interested in it?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on news:

What kind of news is commonly preferred now, online or TV news? Why?/ Why not?

Do you think news channels in your country provide reliable information?

Do you feel celebrity news should be a part of every day news updates?

Do people in India like sports news? Why?/ Why not?

Do you think news channels influence people negatively? Why?/ Why not?

Do you think advertisements should not be played when the news is being telecasted? Why?/ Why not?

Do you think paid news is relevant in your country? Why?/ Why not?

43.    Describe a tall building in your city you like/dislike

Where is it?

When do you go there?

Do you prefer to go there alone or with family and friends?

Explain why is it the most favourite or disliked place for you?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on public places:

How different are the public facilities in rural and urban parts of your country?

Why do you think people should be made aware of hygiene and cleanliness in public places?

Do you think there are enough public facilities in your country?

What steps can be taken to improve the quality of old public facilities?

How can we avoid people from damaging public places or facilities?

44.    Describe an occasion when a group of people were smiling

Where did this happen?

What did they do?

What was your reaction to it?

Explain how did the incident make you feel?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on a time you noticed a group of people smiling

What are the most common things that make people smile?

Do you think people who smile are more friendly?

Why do you think certain jobs require you to smile and be presentable?

Why do you think the smiling pose is so common in photos?

How do you feel when children smile?

Do you think a smile gives a good impression to another person?

45.    Describe a time you saw something interesting on social media

When did you see it?

What was the news about?

What did you do about it?

Explain how was your experience with it?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on social media, its effects, its benefits and drawbacks:

Do you think social media apps are the most popular these days? Why? / Why not?

Do you think people spend too much time on these apps? Why? / Why not?

What kind of apps do youngsters use mostly in your country? Why? / Why not?

How do you think health or fitness-related apps benefit people?

Should children be encouraged to study through educational apps on mobile phones? Why? / Why not?

46.    Describe a company/organisation in your hometown that employs a lot of people

Where is it?

What does the company do?

What kind of occupations does it provide?

Explain whether it is an advantage or a disadvantage to have such large organisations in your hometown?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on companies, work culture, technology at work:

What is the benefit of working in large companies?

Do you think the work environment or work culture plays an important role at a firm?

Do big organizations provide better opportunities than smaller organizations?

Has technology become inseparable at workplaces today?

What do you think the future of technology at the workplace would be?

47.    Describe a leisure activity you want to try near the sea

What is the activity?

Where can you do it?

What do you do in it?

Explain why do you want to try it?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on water activities:

Why do you think people have a good time near water?

Do you think indulging in water sports creates any sort of pollution?

Do you feel these activities should be supervised?

What kind of risks can people face if leisure activities are not regulated?

Most of the water activities are done as per the weather – Do you think lifeguards and safety gear should be made compulsory for these activities?

48.    Describe your favourite weather

What is it?

When does it occur?

What can you do in this weather?

Explain why you like it?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on weather Apps, fun activities in different weather conditions and climate change:

Do people use weather apps in your country?

Do you think weather apps can be considered reliable? Why?/ Why not?

What kind of fun activities can people do on a rainy day?

What kind of weather do people prefer to have while they are on holiday?

Do you think rapid weather changes are a result of global warming? Why?/ Why not?

49.    Describe something important that has been kept in your family for a long time

What is it?

Who gave it to whom?

Is there a use or purpose to this item?

Explain what is its importance or specialty?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on family traditions:

Do you think people globally follow any kind of family tradition?

Are family traditions important in every culture?

Should children be encouraged to learn about festivals and traditional practices?

Do you think traditions are dying off due to modernization? Why? / Why not?

Do you think it will be challenging to maintain family traditions in the future?

50.    Describe a time when you shared something with others

What was it?

Who did you share with?

Where were you?

Explain how was the experience?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on sharing:

What was the last thing you remember you shared with someone?

What is your personal opinion on sharing?

How do you explain sharing and caring to a child?

What kind of things are not suitable for sharing?

Is technology a hindrance to this virtue of sharing?

51.   Describe your favourite movie

 What is its name?

 When did you watch it?

 Did you watch it alone or with someone?

 Explain why did you like it so much?

 Part 3 Follow Up Questions on acting, movie watching :

Do you think we can learn a lot from watching movies?

Why do you think people like watching films?

Do you think films have changed since you were a child? How?

As the technology for home viewing improves, do you think people will stop going to the cinema in future?

How do you feel about internet series and sitcoms? Do you think they have made the watching experience more informative?

52.    Describe a time when you got lost in a place you didn’t know

When did this happen?

Where was the place?

Who was with you at that time?

Explain what you have done to overcome the situation?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on travelling and navigation:

How important are navigation skills while a person is travelling to an unknown place?

Do you think the use of maps and other apps help to reach a destination accurately?

Why do people like travelling to unknown or new places?

Is travelling important for a person? Why?/ Why not?

Has the use of technology allowed people to travel safely without being lost?

53.    Describe your first day at school

When was it?

What was it like?

Did you enjoy yourself?

Explain how you felt on that day?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on school education:

Do you think students should be taken to school by their parents or go by themselves?

Should children be taught to rely on their parents or to be independent?

In what ways can children become more independent?

What is the effect if parents interfere with children’s life too much?

How can parents encourage children to learn moral values?

54.    Describe an aquatic animal

What is it?

What does it look like?

When did you find out about this animal?

Explain why you like this animal?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on wild animals, hunting, animal meat:

Why do people like to keep pets at home?

Is it fair to make pets out of wild animals?

Should people be allowed to hunt animals for their own entertainment?

Do you support doing experiments on animals?

Why do some people refuse to eat animal meat and be vegetarians?

55.    Describe a bag you want to own

What does it look like?

When did you first see it?

How much does it cost?

Explain why you like it?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on bags, backpacks:

Why do you think some women have a craze to buy lots of bags?

What kind of convenience does one have while they carry a multi-functional bag?

Should children be made to carry the same bags to school just like the uniform they wear?

What futuristic changes do you think backpacking would have?

What are the main reasons people buy branded bags?

56.    Describe your favourite singer

Who is it?

Where is he from?

What kind of songs does she or he sing?

Why do you like her or him so much?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on singing, fame of music, new singers:

Do you think it is true that anyone can sing with the right training?

Do you think pop stars can be a bad influence on young people?

How much does the internet influence how you listen to music?

Many recent singers and groups have become famous through television talent shows. What do you think about this?

Do you think social media platforms play a role in boosting upcoming singers?

57.    Describe a time you made a promise to someone

Who was it?

When was this?

What did you promise?

Did you fulfil it or not? And how did you feel about it?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on making promises:

Should parents make promises to children? –

Are most parents able to fulfil their promises? Why?/ Why not?

What kind of promises do children make to their parents?

How do you feel when people break the promises they have made?

Are you able to trust people who do not keep their promises?

58.    Describe an art exhibition that you visited

When was it?

Where did you go?

What did you see there?

What made the experience so interesting?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on Art Exhibitions:

Do you think people enjoy visiting art galleries and museums? Why?

What kind of exposure do art exhibitions provide? Why?

Have art and painting developed as fields of study in the present than in the past?

Is learning performing arts or drama encouraged among children in your country?

Do you think children must be encouraged to learn drama and other art forms like painting and dancing in schools? Why? / Why not?

59.    Describe a skill that you can teach other people

What is the skill?

How do you plan to teach them?

How would this skill help them?

Explain why you think you can teach this skill so well?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on teaching, the importance of skills and helping others:

Do you think a helpful neighbourhood is better than being on your own?

Should children be taught helpfulness at home? Why? / Why not?

Do you think children learn alone or when they are with their friends? Why? / Why not?

Do you think people help others so that they get something in return? Why? / Why not?

Will you help someone even if they haven’t been of help to you? Why? / Why not?

60.    Describe a time when you needed to use your imagination

When was it?

Where were you?

What did you imagine?

And explain how did you feel about it?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on creativity, imagination as a skill at work, its advantages and disadvantages:

Which subjects are helpful for a child to develop imaginative skills?

What kind of jobs require you to be creative? Why?

Do you think people, in general, should have a sense of creativity?

Who do you think has better imagination- youngsters or children?

Do you think imaginative people are advantageous in the workplace? Why?

61.   Describe a person who wears unusual clothes

Who is this person?

What kind of clothes does he or she wear?

What is so unusual about this person?

Explain how has he influenced you – positively or negatively?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on fashion sense, young people and style:

Do you think fashion has become an important aspect of young people’s lives?

How do celebrities and movie stars influence the latest trends in fashion?

What are the advantages or disadvantages of such an influence?

Do you think children are affected by such styles? Why? / Why not?

Does this fan-following in fashion lead to discomfort among other people in society?

62.   Describe a time when you had to wait in a long line

When was this?

Where were you?

What did you do when you waited in the queue?

Explain how you felt about this?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on waiting in line, patience and impatience:

Is it very common in your country to have people standing in queues and waiting?

Do you think technology has played an impressive role to reduce waiting time? How?

Do you have to wait in line for a long time at banks and supermarkets? Why?

How do you feel when someone breaks the line impatiently?

Do you think customer service helplines make you wait for a long time?

63.    Describe a short trip that you often take but you do not like

What is your means of travel?

Where do you go?

When do you do this journey?

Explain what you dislike about this journey?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on Journeys, backpacking and navigation apps:

Do you think journeys have become easier due to the use of navigation apps?

Why do people usually embark on journeys in your country?

As travelling has eased, do people nowadays plan their journey routes as compared to the past?

Has backpacking become popular nowadays?

What are the reasons people choose to travel and explore new places?

What are the most essential items to carry on a journey?

64.    Describe a time you bought something from a street/outdoor market

What was it?

When did you buy it?

How useful it was?

Explain how was the experience?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on Outdoor markets, Changes in markets, Online and Offline Shopping:

Are outdoor markets relevant in your country? Why?/ Why not?

How do you think the markets are changing nowadays?

What is the difference between online and offline shopping?

Do you think online shopping will overtake the market in future?

65.    Describe a city/town where you would like to live in the future

Where is it?

How do you know about this city?

What is it famous for?

Why would you like to live there?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on  city-dwelling, lifestyles, preference of old vs young, advantages and disadvantages of living in a city, comparison with the rural area:

Why do many people prefer to live in the city?

Where do old people and youngsters like to live? Why?

How can technology help to improve the quality of living in cities?

What are the disadvantages of living in the cities?

What is the most important reason people move from rural areas to cities?

End of Part 2 and 3 Questions


1.        Home

Where is it?

What kind of home do you live in?

Tell me a little about your home?

How many rooms do you have at home?

Which is your favourite room?

What changes would you like to bring in it?

Do you plan to live in the same house in the future?

How is your neighbourhood?

Sample Answer

2.        Hometown

Where is it?

What facilities are there around?

What improvements would you like to have there?

Do you like it?

What can a visitor do there?

What are the common occupations of people there?

How is the traffic?

Is it a good place for a child growing up there?

Sample Answer

3.        Work

What is your present area of work?

Where do you work?

Why did you choose this domain at work?

Do you like your present area of work?

What do you not like about it?

Do you plan to change your domain in the future?

Sample Answer

4.        Study

What have you studied?

Where did you study that?

Why did you choose this course?

Do you like your area of study?

What do you not like about it?

Do you plan to change your area of study?

Sample Answer

5.        Spending time with others

With whom do you like spending the most time?

How do you plan on meeting and spending time with friends?

Is it important to spend time with family?

Apart from family and friends, who do you like spending time with?

Why is it important to spend time with others even if you do not have any business with them?

6.        Pets & animals

Do you like animals?

Which is your favourite animal?

Do people in your country prefer pet animals?

Do you think pet animals provide company to children at home?

Which was your favourite animal as a child?

What animals do children like in your country?

Did you watch any animal cartoons as a child?

7.        Public gardens & parks

Do you like parks? Why / why not?

How often do you visit parks?

Why are parks an important part of many towns and cities?

Do you think plants should be maintained in public gardens?

What do you think could be done to make public gardens better?

Did you enjoy going to parks as a child?

Are you interested in planting or gardening?

Do you water plants at home?

What advantages do you think plants have?

What would you prefer at home – a garden or potted plants?

Are plants good for home décor?

8.        Colours

What’s your favourite colour? Why?

Do you like the same colours now as you did when you were younger? Why/Why not?

What can you learn about a person from the colours they wear?

Do any colours have a special meaning in your culture?

Do you like to wear dark or bright colours?

Do colours usually affect your mood?

Do colours matter when you buy things?

Which colour would you not like to have in your house?

9.        Weather

What is your favourite weather?

What can you do in such weather?

What kind of weather do you prefer to have while you are on holiday?

What kind of fun activities can you do in rainy weather?

Do you plan your day out according to the weather?

10.        Getting lost

Have you ever been lost?

How can you find your way if you do not have a phone or map with you?

Have you ever lost anything valuable?

Can you read a map and help yourself if you are lost?

Have you ever helped someone who has lost his way?

11.        Concentration

What kind of activities helps you to concentrate?

Do you think having a routine helps you to concentrate better?

Is it easy or difficult for you to concentrate?

Do you do something to help you concentrate better?

What affects your ability to concentrate?

12.        Science

Did you like science as a subject back in school? /Did you enjoy learning science in primary or high school?

Do you think it is important to study science?

What kind of science lessons did you take at school?

How has science helped you to learn better?

Which field of science interests or interested you the most?

13.        Holidays

What do you usually do on holidays?

When was your last holiday?

How often do you get holidays?

Who do you spend your holidays with?

What would you like to do on your next holiday?

Do you think you should get more holidays?

14.        Vacations

Are you fond of going on trips?

How do you plan your vacations?

What essential things do you carry when you are on a vacation?

Who do you prefer travelling with – alone or family or friend?

What insights do such trips to places bring in you?

Do people in your country like travelling for pleasure? Why?

Do you think tour guides and travel books help your experience?

15.        Environment

Are you concerned about the environmental issues around you?

What do you do to save the environment?

What are the main factors that affect the environment nowadays?

Is pollution the main reason for environmental problems?

16.        Special Costumes

Do you wear special costumes at themed events?

How do you feel wearing it?

Are you comfortable trying different costumes?

How do you dress up for it?

17.        Fashion

Is fashion important to you?

Do you think it is important to be updating your clothes and hair, as fashion trends change?

What kinds of clothes do you like wearing?

Where do you usually buy your clothes from?

Have you worn a uniform when you were in school?

18.        Primary School

Did you have many activities to do in your primary school?

Can you mention a cherished memory that you have really enjoyed?

What kind of extracurricular activities do primary schools offer in your country for a student?

Do you think they need to be improved?

Have the concepts learnt in primary school helped you in life?

19.        New Year

Do you celebrate the New Year?

Do youngsters have plans for New Year parties in your area?

Do you think celebrating events like New Year’s Day bring people together?

Have you ever hosted a New Year party for friends?

What do you do at New Year parties?

20.        Happiness

Are you a happy person?

Do you think rich people are happier than poor people?

What is your definition of happiness?

Do you think more people are unhappy today than in the past?

Has technology revolutionized the aspect of happiness or not?

How do you express your happiness?

Is it important to show your happiness to others? Is that good?

21.        Decoration

When do you usually put up new decorations in your house?

What is the importance of home décor?

What is the usual décor in your house?

Would you like to change the decoration?

What colour of decorations do you prefer? Why?

What kind of items can be used to have a simple and pleasant décor?

22.        Farming

Have you ever indulged in farming?

Do you have anyone in your circle engaged in a farming activity?

Have you visited a farm?

What kind of farm would you like to visit?

Is farming an important occupation in your country?

Do people engage in farming in your hometown?

23.        Furniture

Do you have a lot of furniture at home?

Which piece of furniture do you like the most at home?

Who usually buys furniture at home?

Do you buy furniture based on your need or the look of the room?

What kind of furniture would you like to buy?

24.        Relax

How often do you take a break and relax?

What do you usually do during a break?

Why do you need to be relaxed?

Do you prefer a long break or several short breaks?

Do breaks help you feel refreshed to get back to work?

25.        Home Country

Which is your home country?

What cultures and traditions of your country do you follow?

Do you like your home country?

What can a visitor do if he or she visits India?

What are some of the best cities to explore?

How is the traffic in your home country?

Do you feel there are good opportunities in your home country?

26.        View from the window

Do you have windows in your house?

What kind of view do you get from your window?

How do you feel when you see this view?

Do you wish to live in a house with a beautiful window view?

What view do you wish to see from your window?

27.        Name

Does your name have a specific meaning in your culture?

Do you like your name?

Who named you as a child?

Do you want to change your name, if given a chance?

What would you name yourself?

Do you think a person’s name and his personality are associated?

Have you suggested a name for someone or something?

28.        New Activities

Do you try new activities?

Are you comfortable trying new things?

Do you think such activities may be risky?

What kind of activities would you like to try?

Do you try them alone or with friends?

Have you tried new tricks when you were a child?

29.        Reading

Do you like reading books?

What kind of books do you like to read?

Where do you like to read books?

Have you had family members with reading habits?

Do you spend time at a library and reading books, or do you prefer buying them?

30.        Getting Up Early

Do you usually get up early every day?

Do you think waking up early is a good habit?

What do/ can you do when you get up early?

Do you prefer getting up early on weekends?

Do you have anyone in your family who gets up early?

What benefits would you have over others who wake up early?

31.        Clothes And Fashion

Is fashion important to you?

Do you think it is important to be updating your clothes and hair, as fashion trends change?

What kinds of clothes do you like wearing?

Where do you usually buy your clothes from?

Have you worn a uniform when you were in school?

Are you fashion conscious now?

32.        Recycling

Do you practice rubbish recycling at home?

Are people in your country aware of the importance of rubbish recycling?

How can it benefit the environment if we segregate waste and effectively recycle it?

Are students in your country taught about waste management?

Why should such an idea be made compulsory?

33.        SMS/Text Messaging

How often do you send text messages to people?

Who do you send the most messages to?

When do you think you will send a message next to someone?

Do you prefer to call a person or send him a message?

How has texting and messaging benefitted you the most?

34.        Sports

What sport have you done?

How do you feel about taking part in a sports activity?

Have you taken part in sports events in school or college?

Do you think participating in sports competitions brought discipline to you?

Do you enjoy watching sporting events on TV?

Do you play any sport at present?

Have you been a part of any sports league or team?

What kind of sports do you want to try in the future?

35.        Water Sports

Do you wish to try a water sport in future?

Which form of water sport have you tried/ or you would like to try?

Why do you think people have a good time near water?

Do you think indulging in water sports creates any sort of pollution?

36.        Picnic

Do you like to go for picnics?

When was the last time you went for a picnic?

What do you think is the most enjoyable part of picnics?

Did you go for a picnic as a child?

Do you recall school picnics with your friends?

37.        Tidy

Are you a tidy person?

Do you think being clean and tidy is important?

What do you do to keep yourself tidy?

Do you know any untidy people?

How do you feel when you are with an untidy person?

38.        Discussion

Have you been a part of discussions in school or college?

Do you speak up in discussions?

How do you feel when your opinion is not considered during a discussion?

Do you think a discussion provides a valuable outcome?

Are discussions important to understand an issue?

39.        Meeting new People

Are you fond of meeting new people?

Does that make you nervous?

Do you feel meeting people helps you to be more open-minded?

How do you feel when you meet new people and they are pleased with you?

40.        Jokes or Comedy

Are comedy shows popular in your country?

Why do people like to watch them?

Do you like listening and telling jokes?

Have you ever watched a live comedy show?

What are some common topics that people like to joke about?

41.        Perfume

Do you like perfumes?

Do you usually wear perfume?

How much money do you spend on buying perfumes or body sprays?

Have you ever given perfume as a gift to someone?

Would you ever consider giving perfume as a gift to someone?

42.        Apps

Do you use different apps on your phone?

What was the first app you ever used?

What are the benefits of using apps?

What kind of apps do youngsters usually use?

Are old people in your country fond of using apps on mobile phones?

43.        Headphones

Do you usually use headphones?

Why is it so common nowadays?

When do you usually use it?

What is the advantage of using headphones?

Are there disadvantages of using them?

44.        Shoes

What kind of shoes do you prefer to wear?

How often do you buy shoes for yourself?

Do you always buy branded shoes?

What kind of shoes would you wear – comfortable or fashionable?

Why do certain people have so much footwear?

Do you buy shoes online or offline? Why?

45.        Flowers

Do you like flowers?

Is it common to gift flowers on special occasions in your culture?

Do you grow flowering plants at home?

Where do you buy flowers in your hometown?

Do you think flowers improve the décor of a room?

46.        Barbecue

Have you ever eaten barbecue food?

Is barbecue common at get-togethers in your culture?

What kind of food would you like to barbecue?

Would you like to have friends and family for a barbecue?

What is the preference for barbecue food among youngsters?

47.        Wallet

Do you have a wallet?

Have you happened to lose your wallet ever?

What do people usually carry in their wallets?

Have you gifted a wallet to someone?

Do people commonly use a wallet in your place?

48.        Trees

Have you ever planted trees?

What kind of trees do you know about?

What is the benefit of growing trees?

Is it important to have enough trees around your living space?

Do you have a forest area near your hometown?

What kind of trees do people usually plant in your country?

49.        Phases of life

Do you think stages in life teach us valuable lessons?

In what stage of your life were you the happiest?

Which is the most important stage in your life?

Do you think you are happy in this present state of life you have?

Do you have any plans for the future stages of your life?

50.        Singing

Do you know to sing?

Do you have friends or family members who sing very well?

Is it difficult to sing well?

Have you ever wanted to be a singer?

How do you feel when someone is not singing well?

51.        Gift

Do you buy a gift for friends and family members on their special occasions?

What do you usually buy if you want to gift someone?

What was the last gift you received?

When did you buy a gift last time and for whom?

Do you think it is kind to get a gift if someone is celebrating?

52.        Insects

Are you scared of insects?

What kinds of insects scare people?

In what ways are insects useful?

Are there many types of insects around where you live?

53.        Market

Do you usually visit the market for your everyday needs?

Why do people prefer going to street markets?

Have you visited any street markets on your vacation?

What is the difference between a street market and a supermarket?

End of Part 1 Speaking questions

What is expected from you in the IELTS Speaking Part 1?

The speaking part 1 questions require you to answer crisply in short, one to three sentences.

The examiner would ask 8 to 12 questions from 3 or 4 topics listed below.

Take this as a string of short conversations and make yourself comfortable as you set in, making sure the conversation is led by the examiner, stop when he or she interrupts to ask you more.

You should be prepared with the IELTS Part 1 Speaking Topics for January to April 2022. Get answers for most of these answers in our YouTube channel.

How to prepare for IELTS Speaking Part 1 topics?

You should try and be honest with your answers, don’t cook up responses that might seem vague or impractical or give a mugged up impression.

The IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topics change every four months and are notified by students and professionals who take the test. Also, a few examiners do share the topic content online.

You may prepare yourselves for any topic by answering the essential questions relating to – What? When? Where? Who? Why? How? And also compare the present scenario versus when you were younger.

What is in IELTS Speaking Part 2?

After part 1 questions, you get a cue card, a pen, and a paper, with ONE MINUTE to prepare for the topic listed below. Make sure you use your planning time well to ‘develop ideas’ with a ‘related vocabulary’.

The examiner would prompt you when to start and you need to speak for at least two minutes on the given topic.

You should use the cues given or related questions mentioned in the task card.

As shown below, a typical IELTS Speaking Cue Card looks like this with sub-questions or related cues, and instructions on the right side:

Sample IELTS Speaking Part 2 or IELTS Cue Card

Sample IELTS PART 2 Question

How to prepare for IELTS Speaking Part 2 or IELTS Cue Card?

You should be prepared with the IELTS Part 2 Speaking Topics for January to April 2020 to score well in IELTS Speaking Part 2. Prepare common topics too from the previous months to do well.

Remember to speak for 2 minutes for this part. It is also called the Candidate Task Card or Long Turn.

For Part 2, you have almost a minute to prep. You should make sure you have a story in your mind to share according to the sub-questions, a real experience or a made-up event. Make sure you jot down a few vocabulary words that you may want to use in the given prep time.

Try speaking for a long duration about any random topic when you prepare at home. It will help you build up better answers during the IELTS.

—End of the document—

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