IELTS Speaking Topics May to August 2021

Describe a computer game or video game you liked in your childhood

  1. What was the game?
  2. How did you play it?
  3. How much time did you spend playing?
  4. Why was it your favourite game?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on games:

  1. Do you think children nowadays are exercising enough to stay fit?
  2. Should we encourage them to indulge in more exercise? How?
  3. Is there a difference between the games girls and boys play and the way they would exercise?
  4. Are children more attached to gaming and watching than playing in the sun?
  5. Have computer games been a blessing? Why? / Why not?

Describe your favourite climate or weather condition

  1. What is it?
  2. What can you do in such weather?
  3. When does it occur?
  4. Explain why do you like it so much?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on weather Apps, fun activities in different weather conditions and climate change:

  1. Do people use weather apps in your country?
  2. Do you think weather apps can be considered reliable? Why?/ Why not?
  3. What kind of fun activities can people do on a rainy day?
  4. What kind of weather do people prefer to have while they are on holidays?
  5. Do you think rapid weather changes are a result of global warming? Why?/ Why not?

Describe a time you had to differ from an opinion you gave

  1. What was the occasion?
  2. What was the original opinion you gave?
  3. Why did you have to change your opinion?
  4. Explain how you felt about it?

Part 3 Follow up questions on different opinions:

  1. Do you think nowadays people give a lot of opinions? Why? / Why not?
  2. Are children allowed to give opinions on matters, in your country? Why? / Why not?
  3. Most youngsters consider taking opinions and advice from their elders. Why is it so?
  4. Is it common for people to change their opinions once put forward? Why? / Why not?
  5. Do you think opinions and ideas from others can affect your goal? Why? / Why not?

Describe a good decision you took in recent times

  1. What was the occasion?
  2. What was the decision you made?
  3. How did it affect or what the result of this decision?
  4. Explain how did you feel about it?

Part 3 Follow up questions on decision making:

  1. Who usually takes decisions in families in your country? Why?
  2. Why is decision making skill so important for a person?
  3. Should children be allowed to make decisions regarding their activities?
  4. Is decision making an important skill for managers at work? Why? / Why not?
  5. What consequences do you think can happen if there has been a wrong decision made?

Describe a time you learnt or spoke a foreign language as a child

  1. Which language did you learn?
  2. What did you talk about?
  3. Who was with you?
  4. Explain how did you feel about it?

Part 3 Follow up questions on foreign languages:

  1. Why do people prefer to learn foreign languages?
  2. Is there a benefit at work or personally for individuals who know a foreign language? Why? / Why not?
  3. Does a foreign language benefit you more in verbal or non-verbal communication? Why? / Why not?
  4. Do you think learning another language other than English has an advantage?
  5. Should children be encouraged to learn foreign languages?

Describe another family that you like (not your own)

  1. Who is this family and where are they?
  2. How do you know them?
  3. What is special about this family?
  4. Explain why you feel happy knowing them? / Why you like them so much?

Part 3 Follow up questions on families:

  1. What qualities in a family keep the members united? Why?
  2. How important is the role of grandparents in a family?
  3. Are youngsters or children in your country have an open attitude with their parents?
  4. Do you think parents should learn about parenting do’s and don’ts?
  5. What are the qualities of a good parent?

Describe an open-minded person you know

  1. Who is this person?
  2. How do you know him/ her?
  3. How do you feel when you are with them?
  4. Explain why do you think this person has this quality?

Part 3 Follow up questions on personality:

  1. Are children or adults more open to expressing their thoughts?
  2. Do people in your country have an open-minded nature? Why? / Why not?
  3. Should people be encouraged to express themselves? What are the advantages of this?
  4. Do you think women globally are open to express their feelings than it was ten years back? Why? / Why not?
  5. Why do some people today still prefer to be introverts and do not showcase their feelings?

Describe a song or a poem that you like

  1. Which song or poem is it?
  2. When did you listen or read it?
  3. How did you come across this song/ poem?
  4. Explain how does it make you feel?

Part 3 Follow up questions on songs/poems:

  1. Do you think having a good memory is beneficial? Why? / Why not?
  2. What can people do to improve their memory?
  3. How do you feel when you forget about important things?
  4. Do people memorize better when they read or when they write? Why? / Why not?
  5. Do you think we have a better memory when we are younger or when we get older? Why? / Why not?

Describe a field of science that interests or interested you

  1. What is it?
  2. When did you learn about it?
  3. How has it helped you?
  4. Explain why this area of science interests or interested you?

Part 3 Follow up questions on Science:

  1. Do you think education and learning have advanced in the past years? Why? / Why not?
  2. How does learning subjects like science help an individual?
  3. Do you think that theoretical study is better than experiment-based learning? Why? / Why not?
  4. What benefits can e-learning provide to individuals?
  5. Do you think it is practical to educate students online rather than classroom study in schools and colleges? Why? / Why not?

Describe a time you noticed bad behavior from a child/ a group of children in a public place

  1. Where did this happen?
  2. What did they do?
  3. What was your reaction to it?
  4. Explain how did the incident make you feel?

Part 3 Follow up questions on child behaviour:

  1. Do you agree that children behaving inappropriately has become more common nowadays? Why? / Why not?
  2. Do you think parents have become softer or stricter these days?
  3. Are punishments necessary to teach children the difference between right and wrong? Why? / Why not?
  4. What happens when parents are tolerant of their kids?
  5. Who influences a child more? Parents or peers

Describe a prize or appreciation that you want to receive in future

  1. What would the occasion be?
  2. Who do you want to receive it from?
  3. What would you do?
  4. And explain why do you need such a prize?

Part 3 Follow up questions on Prices and appreciations:

  1. Are appreciations and recognition beneficial at workplaces and homes?
  2. Do you think rewards are motivating for employees at workplaces? Are there any disadvantages to this? Why? / Why not?
  3. What are the benefits of appreciating young children in a family?
  4. Do you think teachers and parents should always appreciate and recognise young people’s efforts?
  5. Do individuals feel motivated if they are praised for what they do? Why? / Why not?

Describe a Musical event which you attended but disliked

  1. What was the event?
  2. Where did it happen?
  3. What did you dislike there?
  4. Explain how you felt about it?

Part 3 Follow up questions on musical events/ concerts:

  1. Do you think youngsters nowadays spend a lot of money to attend musical concerts?
  2. Do you the old and the young prefer the same kind of music? Why? / Why not?
  3. What kind of music do youngsters prefer nowadays? Why? / Why not?
  4. Does listening to music help relax and refresh? Why? / Why not?
  5. Do you think the availability of so many musical apps have helped people to access different styles of music globally?

Describe an app that you use on your phone

  1. What is this app called?
  2. How did you find it?
  3. What do you use it for?
  4. Explain how useful you feel it is?

Part 3 Follow up questions on Mobile apps:

  1. Do you think social media apps are the most popular these days? Why? / Why not?
  2. Do you think people spend too much time on these apps? Why? / Why not?
  3. What kind of apps do youngsters use mostly in your country? Why? / Why not?
  4. How do you think health or fitness-related apps benefit people?
  5. Should children be encouraged to study through educational apps on phone? Why? / Why not?

Talk about a polluted place or city you visited

  1. Where is this place?
  2. When did you go there?
  3. What did you see?
  4. Explain why is it so polluted?

Part 3 Follow up questions on polluted places:

  1. What steps can an individual take to protect the environment from pollution?
  2. Should school and colleges teach about waste management to students? Why? / Why not?
  3. How has recycling helped to reduce pollution?
  4. Which type of pollution is the most common in your country? Why?
  5. What problems can we face if the pollution levels keep rising?

Describe a mistake you have recently made

  1. What was the mistake?
  2. Where did this happen?
  3. What did you do?
  4. Explain how did you feel about it?

Part 3 Follow up questions on a recent mistake:

  1. Do you think people in the past apologized for more than in the present?
  2. What can our mistakes in life teach us? How?
  3. When parents make mistakes, do you think they should apologize to their children? Why? / Why not?
  4. Do you think most people feel shy about apologizing for their mistakes? Why? / Why not?
  5. What are your thoughts on people who apologize unnecessarily?

Talk about a movie or show that made you laugh

  1. What is its name?
  2. When did you watch it?
  3. Did you watch it alone or with someone?
  4. Explain why did you find it so funny?

Part 3 Follow up questions on movies

  1. Do people in your country watch comedy or funny shows? Why? / Why not?
  2. Do you think comedy shows are more popular now than in the past? Why? / Why not?
  3. Why are funny shows loved by all age groups?
  4. Why do you think some people are easily able to make others laugh?
  5. Should comedy shows be telecasted at peak watching hours or other hours?

Describe an old person you like

  1. Who is the person?
  2. Where is he or she?
  3. How did you meet him or her?
  4. Explain why you like them?

Part 3 Follow up questions on elderly people:

  1. What qualities should caretakers possess who look after old people?
  2. Do you think it is easy to take care of old people?
  3. Is patience important to deal with older people? Why? / Why not?
  4. What kind of support do older people in a family provide to youngsters?
  5. What steps can be taken to improve the emotional health of the old and the aged?

Describe a time you went on a car journey

  1. When was it?
  2. Who was with you?
  3. What did you do?
  4. Explain how you felt about it?

Part 3 Follow up questions on a journey:

  1. Are cars popularly preferred by people in your country?
  2. What is the difference between a two-wheeler ride and a car drive?
  3. Do you think it is important to have a car? Why? / Why not?
  4. What do you think future cars would be like?
  5. Do you think it is safe to travel in a car or a two-wheeler?

Talk about a magazine article you read about healthy living or an online article about healthy living

  1. What was the article about?
  2. When did you read it?
  3. How did you come across this magazine and/ or article?
  4. Explain what lessons did you learn from it?

Part 3 Follow up questions on healthy living:

  1. What are the most popular ways of keeping healthy in your country?
  2. Do you think most people worry more about their health as they get older?
  3. Why do you think some people continue bad habits when they know that they are damaging to their health?
  4. How can children be encouraged to adopt healthy eating habits?
  5. Do you think people have become more health-conscious in recent years?
  6. Could governments do more to promote healthier lifestyle options?

Describe an enjoyable performance you watched

  1. When was it?
  2. Where did you watch it?
  3. What was it about?
  4. Explain why did you enjoy it so much?

Part 3 Follow up questions on an enjoyable performance you watched:

  1. Do you think people enjoy live shows than watching them on television or online? Why?
  2. What kind of live shows are popular in your country? Why?
  3. How are concerts and live shows now different from the past?
  4. Is learning performing arts or drama encouraged among children in your country?
  5. Do you think children must be encouraged to learn drama and other art forms like painting and dancing in schools? Why? / Why not?

Describe a time you received an important information

  1. What was it?
  2. Where were you?
  3. When did this happen?
  4. Explain what were your feelings when you got this news?

Part 3 Follow up questions on a time you received a piece of important information:

  1. Which is a more reliable medium of conveying information – calling or messaging?
  2. Are postal mails still popular in your country? Why? / Why not?
  3. How do people in your country usually convey important news to someone?
  4. Do you think the way we communicate with each other has changed in the past ten years? How?
  5. What are the impact of the internet and social media apps on communication?
  6. Do you think technology has made communication easier than traditional means?

End of the document

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Good Luck, and do well in the IELTS Test. Score a band 7 in speaking.

Angel Joseph

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  1. Xosilbek

    This book is useful for ILETS learners. So I sopport it

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