IELTS Speaking Topics May to August 2021

Describe a time when you got lost in a place

  1. When was it?
  2. Where were you?
  3. How did you get lost?
  4. What did you do to help yourself?

Part 3 Follow up questions on a time when you got lost in a place:

  1. How important are navigation skills while a person is travelling to an unknown place?
  2. Do you think the use of maps and other apps help to reach a destination accurately?
  3. Why do people like travelling to unknown or new places?
  4. Is travelling important for a person? Why? / Why not?
  5. Has the use of technology allowed people to travel safely without being lost?

Describe a time a family member asked you for help

  1. Who was the family member?
  2. What help did he or she want?
  3. How did you help them?
  4. Explain how did you feel about it?

Part 3 Follow up questions on a family member asked you for help:

  1. How helpful are families with each other in your country?
  2. Do you think people are close to their cousins and relatives these days compared to the past?
  3. How can children help their parents in a family?
  4. Are children more helpful these days than in the past?
  5. Should children be encouraged to help their parents in doing household work?
  6. In what ways can children be rewarded for their kindness and help?

Describe a house that you visited but do not want to live in


Describe a place that you visited but do not want to go again

  1. Where is it?
  2. When did you go there?
  3. What made you so uncomfortable?
  4. Explain why you never want to be there?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on visiting places:

  1. Has advancement in technology made people fearful these days? What are the reasons?
  2. Do people feel scared or excited when they do something they have never done before? Why? / Why not?
  3. What discomforts are most common when you meet new people? Why?
  4. Are young people more flexible and welcoming to changes than compared to the past?
  5. What are the disadvantages when you are uncomfortable but “have to” do a task?

Describe a person who is very polite and kind

  1. Who is it?
  2. Where is she or he now?
  3. What do they do?
  4. Why do you like their politeness?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on politeness, workplace and colleagues:

  1. Is it important to be polite with colleagues and people who work under you? Why? / Why not?
  2. What kind of jobs require a person to be kind? Why?
  3. What are the consequences when team members at work do not show politeness?
  4. Do you think family members should value habits like politeness and kindness?
  5. How does it feel when people are angry and irritated rather than being polite?

Describe a time when it was important to confess a truth to a friend

  1. When did this happen?
  2. Who was this friend?
  3. What was the truth you told her or him?
  4. Why did you tell him the truth and why was it so important to you?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on Forgiveness and being apologetic:

  1. Do you feel people are more apologetic today than in the past? Why? / Why not?
  2. What are the advantages of being forgiving to others?
  3. How do people feel when they are apologetic but still not forgiven?
  4. Do you think people may take advantage of those who are forgiving and kind? Why? / Why not?
  5. Should children be taught to be forgiving with their friends and be apologetic?
  6. Do you think online learning teaches values like kindness and forgiveness? Why? / Why not?
  7. How can we encourage such qualities in these technological times?

Describe a popular personality or celebrity you like

  1. Who is this person?
  2. Where is this person?
  3. What do you like about this personality?
  4. Why do you think she or he is so popular?

Part 3 Follow up questions on celebrities:

  1. What kind of news is commonly preferred now, online or TV news? Why? / Why not?
  2. Do you think news channels in your country provide reliable information?
  3. Do you feel celebrity news should be a part of every day news updates?
  4. Do people in India like sports news? Why? / Why not?
  5. Do you think news channels influence people negatively? Why? / Why not?
  6. Do you think advertisements should not be played when the news is being telecasted? Why? / Why not?
  7. Do you think paid news is relevant in your country? Why? / Why not?

Describe an occasion where you promised someone

  1. Who was it?
  2. When was this?
  3. What did you promise?
  4. Did you fulfil it or not? And how did you feel about it?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on promises:

  1. Do you think people are less committed to goals now than in the past? Why? / Why not?
  2. What is the importance of commitment at work?
  3. Do young people show commitment towards work if they are not paid well? Why? / Why not?
  4. Has global and social networking enabled people to be more committed or vice-versa?
  5. How can we teach young children to be committed to their goals and never give up?

Describe an ideal or dream job you want to do in the future

  1. What is the job?
  2. Do you know someone who does this job?
  3. How do you plan to do it?
  4. What makes it so ideal for you?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on jobs:

  1. Do you think some jobs demand more physical work than others? Why?/ Why not?
  2. Do you think women can do the same jobs as men can do? Why?/ Why not?
  3. What kind of skills are required for a job seeker?
  4. Is a work environment more important or the physical structure of a workplace for an employee? Why?/ Why not?
  5. What is more important for employees – job satisfaction or salary?

Describe your time in a gym or a fitness centre

  1. When was this?
  2. Were you alone or with someone?
  3. Which exercises did you do?
  4. Explain how did it make you feel spending time there?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on fitness:

  1. What types of fitness centres are popular in your country these days?
  2. Are there any negative effects of exercising at gyms?
  3. Do you think exercise and good health is being given more importance in society now? Why?
  4. How do young people in your country feel about fitness?
  5. Do you think gyms can introduce more fitness-related programs than just exercising on machines?

Describe a time you were very angry

  1. When was this?
  2. Where were you?
  3. What made you so angry?
  4. What did you do?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on behaviour:

  1. Do unexpected situations make people feel stressed? Why?/ Why not?
  2. Are unexpected behaviours from people a sign of anger? Why?/ Why not?
  3. Are anger management techniques helpful in bringing behaviour changes among people?
  4. Do you think technology has made people more peaceful than those in the past?
  5. Why do some people tend to lash out their anger at someone?

Describe the most favourite part of your hometown or city

  1. Where is it?
  2. When do you go there?
  3. Do you prefer to go there alone or with family and friends?
  4. Explain why is it the most favourite place for you?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on hometown:

  1. How different are the public facilities in rural and urban parts of your country?
  2. Why do you think people should be made aware of hygiene and cleanliness in public places?
  3. Do you think there are enough public facilities in your country?
  4. What steps can be taken to improve the quality of old public facilities?
  5. How can we avoid people from damaging public places or facilities?

Describe an item of clothing that you love to wear

  1. What is the clothing?
  2. When do you wear it?
  3. How do you dress up for it?
  4. Explain how do you feel wearing it?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on formal clothes, informal clothes and clothing styles, popularity:

  1. Are formal clothes more popular than informal clothing in your country?
  2. Do you think people buy more online now than going to retail shops for buying clothes? Why? / Why not?
  3. Do you think formal clothing makes a better impression? Why? / Why not?
  4. Should students be encouraged to wear uniforms in school or civilian clothes? Why? / Why not?
  5. How different is the clothing style now as compared to the past? Why? / Why not?
  6. Do you think youngsters experiment more with clothing styles? Why? / Why not?

Describe a time you set a goal for yourself

  1. When did you set a goal?
  2. What was the goal?
  3. How did you work for it?
  4. Explain why was it important to you?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on the importance of goals, success and achievements:

  1. Do you think young and old people have similar goals? Why? / Why not?
  2. Is it important for a person to have goals in life? Why?
  3. Does one need to have a plan to achieve a task? Why is it important? / Why not?
  4. Do you think achievements are important for a person to feel successful? Why? / Why not?
  5. Should parents encourage children to set goals for themselves? Why? / Why not?

Describe something you do that keeps you healthy

  1. What is it?
  2. How did you get to know about it?
  3. When do you do it?
  4. Explain how does it help you to stay healthy?

Part 3 Follow Up questions on healthy living:

  1. What are the most popular ways of keeping healthy in your country?
  2. Do you think most people worry more about their health as they get older?
  3. Why do you think some people continue bad habits when they know that they are damaging to their health?
  4. How can children be encouraged to adopt healthy eating habits?
  5. Do you think people have become more health-conscious in recent years?
  6. Could governments do more to promote healthier lifestyle options?

Describe a popular writer that you like

  1. Who is it?
  2. What kind of books does she or he write?
  3. How did you know about her or him?
  4. Explain why you like this writer?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on writers:

  1. Which is more effective in communication – verbal or non-verbal?
  2. Is writing considered to be a scholarly skill in your country among young people?
  3. Why do people find it easier to express themselves verbally?
  4. What are the reasons some people can write poems and stories so well?
  5. Most celebrities turn into writers – What is the reason for it?

Describe an unforgettable experience from your school or college

  1. When did it happen?
  2. Who was with you?
  3. What did you do?
  4. Why do you remember it so well?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on life experiences:

  1. Do you think the school curriculum has become more practice-oriented? Why? / Why not?
  2. What new facilities or subjects should be added in schools?
  3. Do you think students should be allowed to choose their stream of study? Why?
  4. What benefits can a revised education policy with technological influence bring to a country?
  5. Do you think more resources made available to students will make them understand topics better? Why? 

Describe an expensive thing that you want to own

  1. What is it?
  2. How did you find out about it?
  3. What is its use?
  4. Explain why do you want to buy it?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on an expensive thing that you want to own:

  1. Why is it important for individuals in some countries to save money in their life?
  2. In many countries, children are taught to save money for their expenses? Is it beneficial?
  3. Do you think handling one’s expenses makes one more independent?
  4. Amongst men and women, whom do you think is better at saving money?
  5. Are lifestyle products overpriced nowadays? Why? / Why not?

Describe a time you stayed in an expensive hotel

  1. When was this?
  2. Where did you go?
  3. What facilities were there at the hotel/ in your room?
  4. Explain how did you feel being there?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on hotels:

  1. Have hotel stays and homestays become more popular before? Why?
  2. Do you think technological platforms have boosted this industry? 
  3. While staying away from home for work or leisure, do most people prefer to live in hotels? Why? / Why not?
  4. During holidays, what kind of lodging do you prefer to have – resorts or homestays?
  5. Do you think the hospitality of the staff is important for a hotel’s repute? Why? / Why not?
  6. What facilities provide a standard experience at a hotel?

Talk about your favourite singer

  1. Who is it?
  2. Where is he from?
  3. What kind of songs does she or he sing?
  4. Why do you like her or him so much?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on singers:

  1. What kind of music do most people prefer to listen to now? Why?
  2. When old songs are reperformed by new singers, why do they become so popular?
  3. Do you think a real musician should know to play a musical instrument? Why? / Why not?
  4. Do you think musicians are paid more than other noble professions? Why? / Why not?
  5. Have music trends changed much since your teenage? What are the reasons?

Describe an interesting art exhibition you attended

  1. When was it?
  2. Where did you go?
  3. What did you see there?
  4. What made the experience so interesting?

Part 3 Follow Up Questions on Art Exhibitions:

  1. Do you think people enjoy live shows than watching them on television or online? Why?
  2. What kind of live shows are popular in your country? Why?
  3. How are concerts and live shows now different from the past?
  4. Is learning performing arts or drama encouraged among children in your country?
  5. Do you think children must be encouraged to learn drama and other art forms like painting and dancing in schools? Why? / Why not?

Continue to Page 7

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Xosilbek

    This book is useful for ILETS learners. So I sopport it

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