Describe a job you don’t want to do in the future

Latest IELTS Speaking Cue Card 2020

Describe a job that you don’t want to do in the future

Question – Describe a job that you don’t want to do in the future

  1. What is the job?
  2. Do you know anyone who does/ did this job you do not like?
  3. What is it that you do not like about it?
  4. How different is it from what do you now?

Sample Answer – Describe a job that you don’t want to do in the future

Don’t want to read! That’s alright, listen to the Answer for the IELTS Speaking Part 2 Cue Card topic – Describe a job you don’t want to do in the future, here.


A job you don’t want to do in the future


What is the job?

As one starts job hunting through their younger years, it becomes imperative to find a job or work that one likes, finds exciting, imparts financial independence and makes one an acceptable asset in their community. Being in Commerce, there was always a gut feeling inside me that I never want to opt for a bank job or any job that has to do with numbers and statistics.

Do you know anyone who does/ did this job you do not like?

My maternal uncle was an ardent banker who worked in one of the leading nationalised banks in India, namely State Bank of India. As far as my memory serves me, I had always seen him immersed himself in work, which was empirical. I believe he was selected through campus recruitment during his college days, as there were no competitive exams held then. He retired nobly as the bank’s chief manager as well.

What is it that you do not like about it?

Both our families stayed in the same neighbourhood. I used to play with my cousins every day at their house. To my understanding, there was a lot of difference between our households. My father was an engineer, who never carried his work home, showed us interesting replicas of motor models and inspired us to learn practical skills. On the other hand, my uncle always seemed to be quietly disconnected from the social scene that was prevalent. He barely talked to us, or his kids. My cousins unknowingly complained about the boredom they felt around him. He used to have a calculator in his pocket all the time and was keen to work at home. I had a feeling that he was stressed out with his work as his facial expressions appeared eternally unhappy. He never made eye contact while conversing. Even though a lot of people lauded his contributions to the church accounting and his professional help for loan sanctions, it always overwhelmed me to know how much joy it brought to him when he was frowning all the time at home and was merely used for affairs outside.

How different is it from what do you now?

After I graduated in Commerce, many suggested me to take up a bank job. Now that was something I never wished for since childhood. I was scared that I will end up socially alienated from my folks and would just be a frustrated number cruncher. I chose to rather excel in the sales domain, where I could meet and interact with people. My job helps me to phase out customer needs and align them to sophisticated business solutions. Today, I know that being a banking professional is precisely the job I would never want to do in my life, even in the future.

Such a response would be enough to answer the question, Describe a job you don’t want to do in the future. The 4 points discussed above answer all the sub-questions in the IELTS speaking module and you should construct the answer, similarly. Also, note the vocabulary and idioms used for this question below.

Vocabulary Used:

  • Imperative – Of importance, crucial
  • Asset – A useful or valuable thing or a person
  • Gut Feeling – An immediate or basic feeling or reaction
  • Ardent – Passionate
  • Empirical – Data-based or factual
  • Nobly – In a way that shows fine personal qualities or high moral principles
  • Households – A house and its occupants regarded as a unit, Family
  • Replicas – An exact copy or model of something but build at a smaller scale
  • Prevalent – Predominant generally
  • Boredom – The state of being bored
  • Lauded – Appreciated or praised for
  • Overwhelmed – Have a strong emotional effect on; drown beneath a huge mass of something
  • Frowning – Forming an expression of disapproval, displeasure
  • Merely – Just; Only
  • Alienated – Experiencing or inducing feelings of isolation
  • Number Cruncher – A computer or program capable of performing rapid calculations with large amounts of data
  • Phase-out – Gradually stop something
  • Align – Place or arrange (things) in a straight line
  • Sophisticated – Experienced or advanced
  • Precisely – Exactly

Idioms Used:

  • As far as my memory serves – Used for saying that you think you have remembered something correctly
  • Immersed himself in – Used to fully devote one’s attention to something

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Good Luck, and do well in the IELTS Test. Score a band 7 in speaking.

Angel Joseph – AskLearning

Two words that describe Angel are – people’s person and kind-hearted. As the head Speaking coach at Asklearning, she backs up her sessions with awe-inspiring tricks to help you speak your mind. Being a mom, an entrepreneur and an orator, she teaches her students to overcome naysayers, always. Her sessions are lively and fun-filled, and her feedbacks are witty. You may contact Angel on her Official email id.


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