Prepositions – About and For

Prepositions – About and For


Prepositions are often one of the trickiest parts of the English language. It ranges from words like to, from, in, on …. to compound prepositions like – in favour of, by means of and so on.

The usage of prepositions determines the relationship or position of the subject (noun) in a sentence. Users of English are bound to place them right to make conversations effective.

Discussing two tricky prepositions here:

‘About’ and ‘For’



It has a trifold usage, that is,- “near” or “on the subject of” or “related to”. When someone asks us to say something about ourself means that we must talk about the things that are most related and relevant to us.


It will always refer to an intention or purpose relating to the main subject in a line. If something is written as “It’s for you”, directly means that you are its intended recipient or beneficiary. If one says, “I made this cake for you”, simply means that I made a cake so that you can eat it. It can also mean that because you were busy or you could not, I made the cake instead or on your behalf. This can be said to express a kind gesture.

For Yourself

It is used to say (point out) something or stand by something. An example, “it’s high time you take a stand for yourself”, here you are aligned to your thought process.


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